Tag Archives: flatulence

What is Flatulence?

Flatulence is the term given to the action of breaking or passing wind. It is important to understand what flatulence is as it can be a little more complex than merely passing gas from the mouth or rear end. Treatment can only really be carried out once the underlying cause of flatulence is identified as it may be that there are other health issues that also need to be addressed. Without doubt, flatulence is one of the most embarrassing conditions to suffer from and the symptoms, such […]

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Superfoods to Fight Flatulence

There are many causes for flatulence, such as overeating, eating too quickly, excessive consumption of refined carbohydrates or artificial sweeteners, food allergies and intolerance, a deficiency of vitamin B, excessive consumption of alcohol, emotional stress and parasites. One of the most common causes can be lactose, found in dairy products such as milk and cheese. Many other healthy foods can also cause gas, such as cabbage, beans, broccoli, Brussels sprouts, onions, cauliflower, whole wheat flour, radishes, bananas and apricots. Luckily, with some adjustments in our food choices […]

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Diet and Exercise Can Help Flatulence

Excessive wind or flatulence is a relatively common condition and the majority of cases can be cured by making a few simple life style changes. These changes consist of a healthy balanced and nutritious diet and regular exercise. Diet and exercise go hand in hand and in order to regulate not only excessive flatulence but also any other health complaints it is very important that healthy options are chosen if we want to look after ourselves and maximise the performance of our bodies. Flatulence is a normal […]

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Flatulence and Food Intolerance

The hardest things to deal with when it comes to flatulence are the symptoms it has. The most obvious symptoms are those of passing loud and smelly wind in abundance and the pain and embarrassment of coping with it on a daily basis. For some people flatulence can be treated by changing their diet and incorporating regular exercise into their life style. For others treatment and management of excessive flatulence can be a little more complex. The first step that is taken when it comes to treating […]

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Avoiding Foods That Cause Flatulence

By choosing what foods we eat we can avoid those that are known for causing flatulence. Excess gas is what flatulence is all about so when it comes to reducing or control how much gas we produce it is essential to revise over our food intake and eliminate those which are guilty of producing a lot of gas and smelly gas at that. Not all of us will have the same reaction to specific foods; in fact some of us will be able to digest them much […]

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Don’t Let Flatulence Get You Down

For those of us who suffer from flatulence, that is to say excessive wind, life can be tough and at times get us down due to the sheer embarrassment of the nature of this condition. But living with flatulence doesn’t have to be as there are some simple remedies to help relieve and reduce the amount of gases our bodies produce. The typical symptoms of flatulence include frequent passing of wind, which often has a bad smell and is loud in volume, pain, gurgling of the stomach, […]

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How to Prevent Excessive Flatulence

Nothing can be quite as shameful as passing wind that not only smells offensive but also comes out loud and accompanied by more of it. No one is flatulence free as it is a natural process of the body to rid itself of gases as part of the digestive system. The problem lies when a person produces too much gas and it becomes either painful or increases in frequency. In most cases of excessive flatulence, the problem lies in the actual digestive system. It may be that […]

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